Marilyn Martinez
[MEH-ruh-luhn MAR-tee-nez]
Regional Program Director
Born and raised in Watsonville to a family of immigrant farmworkers, Marilyn grew up with a strong appreciation and respect for agriculture and the farm working community. Her admiration towards the land and those that steward it was instilled by her grandparents, parents and extended family members who spent years picking berries, apples, oranges and lettuce. Before arriving in the U.S. via the Bracero Program, Marilyn’s grandparents produced mixed crops and raised cattle in Mexico--an agricultural legacy that has endured through the generations in her family.
The work ethic instilled in Marilyn during her early years motivated her to pursue higher education as a way to give back to her family and surrounding community. Marilyn was the first in her family to attend university, earning her undergraduate degree from Monterey State University and her MBA from the University of Phoenix. Understanding the importance of serving the most vulnerable, Marilyn’s commitment was to finish her education and return to provide for her community.
Marilyn’s passion for agriculture led her to a job at Driscoll’s. This opportunity transformed into 15 years with the company where Marilyn held positions in human resources, production data management, plant distribution, grower contract tracking and project management as well as served as a member of the philanthropy regional team. Alongside this work, she remained actively engaged and supportive of her congregation through project management, finances and technical backend assistance.
Marilyn eagerly embraces the role of Regional Program Director at Kitchen Table Advisors, deepening her work within the communities that raised her and working side-by-side with our farm business advisors to fuel the economic viability of small sustainable farms and ranches.