Meet the Farmer
Dream Farm
Isabel and Isaias Rosas
Established In 2019
Location Salinas, CA
Acreage 10
What they sell Mixed organic vegetables
When they began working with KTA 2023
Advising Focus Capital access; expanding market access opportunities
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Isabel Rosas and her husband, Isaias, worked in agriculture for over 20 years as farmworkers before starting their own venture. During these years, Isabel and Isaias not only learned the craft of farming, but also experienced the challenges of large-scale, conventional agriculture – namely, low pay for farmworkers and detrimental farming practices. Inspired to build a livelihood and home for their budding family, Isabel and Isaias enrolled in business and farming classes at ALBA. Eventually they started Dream Farm to grow fresh, nutritious produce on land leased from ALBA. As their farm has grown, so too has Isabel’s confidence; at first, the prospect of managing both the field and business aspects of the farm, especially while trying to balance family life, intimidated her. However, with support from her husband and community alongside her own perseverance and dedication, Isabel now feels capable and confident in her business, handling the administrative and sales components while her husband oversees production.
In 2024, Isabel and her husband are searching for their own land where they can continue their farm operation, hoping to deepen into more organic practices, nourish the land, and enhance natural systems. Eventually, Isabel and Isaias hope to create a fully self-sufficient and sustainable farm and ranch ecosystem that can support their family completely, and provide a safe and inspiring environment where their children can grow up.
Where to Find
No direct to consumer options available at this time; Dream Farm sells exclusively through wholesale channels.
Advising Snapshot: 2024
Isabel and Isaias started working with Farm Business Advisor Tania Zuñiga at the start of 2023. Eager to begin ideating on how to grow and enhance their business, Isabel took their first business advising call from the hospital bed days after birthing her first child! With Tania’s support, Isabel initially focused on procuring loans to keep her farm afloat amid rising production costs. Isabel and Isaias were also searching for a new parcel of land at the time, a process Tania supported by connecting her with different lease opportunities. In late 2023, Isabel was able to secure 5 acres in San Juan Bautista with Tania helping her negotiate and finalize her lease agreement.
Isabel is also a member of the Fondo Solidario, a revolving loan fund centering the needs of Latina farmers by providing quick turn, zero-interest, character-based loans. In participating in the Fondo, Isabel has continued strengthening her own confidence within business and capital management while fostering an empowering, uplifting space centering Latina farmers’ voices.
As Isabel and Isaias settle into their new land, their next focus is to expand into different market channels and diversify their buyer portfolio in order to secure a more consistent income for their business. They are also hoping to further develop their financial record systems and refine their business management skills.